School Uniform
Here at Stourview, pupils are expected to be smart at all times, wear their uniform with pride, and remember that they are ambassadors for the school.
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body. These factors contribute to children's well-being, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers.
We request that parents/carers do their utmost to avoid placing their child in a compromising position by ignoring the dress code.
Our school uniform
Navy-blue trousers, shorts, skirt, or pinafore dress (knee length skirt or dress)
White shirt or blouse
School Tie (Available to purchase from the school office)
Sky Blue V-Neck jumper or cardigan
Navy Blue Fleece jacket (optional for outdoor use only)
White tights or grey/black socks
Blue gingham dress (optional summer uniform)
School Shoes
Children should wear smart suitable flat school shoes. School shoes should be black.
If parents are in any doubt about the suitability of school shoes, parents must seek advice from the school before purchasing them. Trainers or plimsolls are not allowed except to change into at breaktime or for Physical Education. If children need to wear alternative footwear as a temporary measure, this should be put in writing by the parent and handed to the school.
Physical Education (PE)
Navy PE shorts
Sky Blue PE T-shirt ideally with school logo
Change of socks (if wearing tights)
Drawstring bag (PE bag)
Plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor PE
Navy jogging track suit or similar for winter activities outside
These should be kept in a bag on your child’s peg at all times.
During the winter months, pupils may wear a tracksuit for PE.
All items of uniform and PE kit MUST be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
If you would like School uniform with our school logo on some items can be ordered through the School Trends website;
There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your home address. Other ordering information including sizes, delivery information and the returns procedure is also available online.
Items of uniform can also by purchased from other retailers on the High Street or online.
Uniform Ordering
There is no requirement to purchase uniform through a specific supplier or to purchase clothing with a school logo. Parents may wish to purchase uniform at high street retail stores. However, we do have a system for ordering uniform on-line. To order and pay for school uniform online visit: -
Simply go to the website address, then select ‘Find My School’ and enter the postcode (CO11 1LS) then follow the order instructions.
School ties can be purchased from the School Shop in your Arbor Parent App.